The Bravest Person I Have Ever Known: My Father
The bravest person I have ever known: My father
Dolph L. Hatfield (The following are some of the highlights from a story that I will complete and then publish:)
My father was awarded the Soldier’s Medal by the U.S. Army War Department in 1946. The Soldier’s Medal is the highest award given by the War Department of the United States Army for bravery during noncombat. He was initially presented this medal by the Army in 1946 (Photo 1) and was subsequently awarded a second such medal posthumously by President Nixon during the President’s administration. (Photos 2-4)
I wrote the Awards and Decorations Branch, U.S. Army Human Resources Command regarding the reason my father was given two Soldier’s Medals (one by the Army War Department and one by President Nixon) for a single act of bravery. The reply was: “The Recipients of decorations are issued one medal set with their initial award. A replacement medal set can be requested through the National Personnel Records Center (that) maintains the Army Military Human Resource Records of Army Veterans and is the agency responsible for replacement of medals for Veterans and retirees.”
I miss my father more and more each day. He was a gifted surgeon and a loving father (who disguised his feelings). He was, unquestionably, the bravest person I have ever known.